Ella Sandry
October 2023
Ella’s Dad serves in the British Army and she lives with her Mum, Vanessa and sister Otillie (4 yrs). By the age of six, Ella has already lived in four different countries and six different houses because her Dad’s job requires the family to move frequently.
Just after Christmas in 2021, her Dad was sent overseas on military duty. It was a huge adjustment for the whole family and Ella found it particularly hard when her Dad missed her birthday, her sister’s birthday and her first day of school. Her Dad was able to come home for short breaks during the two years but has spent most of the 24 months away from home.
Ella has been supported by her school, Longcot and Fernham C of E Primary School, which has been using resources from the charity, Little Troopers to run regular workshops and clubs for military children so they can benefit from spending time with others going through similar circumstances at home.
Ella and her sister don’t get to speak to their Dad very often when he is serving abroad so Ella has kept busy by drawing and painting artwork to share with him when he gets home. She also decided to support other military children like her by making lavender bags to sell and raise funds for Little Troopers, with a sale at the school gate she raised £33.
Ella is now preparing to move to a new country again before Christmas and is sad to be leaving her school and her friends behind, but excited for the next adventure.
Mum, Vanessa, who nominated her for the award, explains: ““Our family has endured a two-year separation and even though my husband has returned for short breaks, the situation has not got any easier and it’s been really tough on the girls. It is wonderful for Little Troopers to recognise children like Ella for their resilience when it comes to the challenges military life throws at them and we’d like to thank the charity for providing school support that has helped Ella during this time.”
Speaking of her award win, Ella says: ” I feel really proud to win this award. With Daddy being away I feel sad, but ok when he comes home. I enjoyed making lavender bags and selling them to raise money for Little Troopers and my sister Ottilie has helped me.”
Louise Fetigan, founder of Little Troopers, adds: “Ella’s story really demonstrates the unique challenges that can come with growing up as a child in the British Armed Forces community. Moving home six times and having a parent away for two years is really tough and when we heard about Ella’s experience, we knew she deserved a medal to recognise her resilience. Ella we think you are a special little trooper and we hope you wear your medal with pride.”
Ella will receive a medal, certificate and £50 gift voucher.