
Little Trooper of the Month

George Martin

July 2023

George Martin was named Little Trooper of the Month for coping with lots of change and upheaval at home in the last 12 months.

George was born in Shrewsbury and moved to Aberdeenshire with his Mum, Dad and Maisie our family cat in 2021. Due to the nature of George’s Dad’s job, he regularly works away from home and has been deployed overseas more than 15 times, totalling almost 2 years since George was born, with each deployment lasting up to six months. He was last deployed in May.

George’s Dad is currently serving away from home again, and had to depart on Georges birthday, on exercise in preparation for the whole family to move to move to California in October. While the family are excited about their next adventure, living overseas, George is also nervous about saying goodbye to his friends and  football team and he doesn’t want to move away from his family.

George’s Mum, Heather, nominated him for the Little Troopers award, and explains: “George is an incredible little boy with a fantastic sense of humour. He has been through a lot in the last 12 months with his Dad being away from home, missing our family holiday to fulfil ceremonial duties for the late queens funeral, although George was very proud to see his dad on TV, left for deployment multiple times and now a big house move on the horizon.

“He goes to a school where there are very few other military families, so his teachers and friends don’t fully understand the military lifestyle or the challenges military children overcome each time a parent is deployed. Understandably George is now worried about losing contact with his friends, his football team, his family and especially Alfie ( George and his Gaggies dog). Although we are trying to help him focus on the positives and the things we can look forward to as a family. We are trying to get George into a new football team in the USA.

“This award has come at the perfect time and it has really helped him to see how far he has come and how resilient he is. He’s our little hero.”

Louise Fetigan, founder of Little Troopers, adds: “Lots of military children experience unique challenges such as having a parent deployed or moving home and it can be especially challenging when all of these things come at the same time. That’s why Little Trooper exists as a charity, to support military children during these times when they might need extra support. We hope George’s medal helps him to realise how proud his family are of him and that they recognise that what he’s gone through isn’t easy. George, we think you are an amazing little trooper.”

George will receive a medal, certificate and £50 gift voucher as part of his Little Trooper of the Month award.

July George 1

George Martin

Nominate a Trooper of the month!

We want to recognise Little Troopers; children with parents serving in the British Armed Forces who have been exceptionally brave, inspirational or just extra special against all odds. 

This is an opportunity to really celebrate and shine a spotlight on the lives of incredible military children, hear the special stories and give them the recognition they really deserve.

Our monthly winner will receive a special prize, certificate and lasting recognition of a customised, unique medal. We will also shout about how amazing our winners our on our website, social media and other related publications.

Nominations welcomed from Unit Welfare Offices, Community Development Workers, Schools/Nurseries and of course YOU!

If you are not the parent or guardian of the child you are nominating you must ask permission and advise them you are nominating. We will need to contact them directly to progress a nomination if successful.

Unsuccessful nominations will not be contacted.

Please upload a recent photograph we can use for certificate and hall of fame if they win:

Eligible children: ANY child with a parent or step parent currently serving with the British Army, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force; wherever they live, reserve or regular, parents married or unmarried. Children can only win once. Please only nominate one child per nomination. Children of any age can be nominated. Please ensure all the information you submit is true and correct stating if the child is a step child/has a different father or mother to serving person.