
Little Trooper of the Month

Louis Darwell

September 2023

Louis Darwell, age 9 has been awarded Little Trooper of the month for September for his bravery resilience and charity work after being nominated by his mum Rachel.

The family have had a difficult time over the last couple of years, losing their Grandma and Grandad who were a huge part of their support network. The family were also involved in a car accident, which resulted in mum Rachel needing extra support at home due to the impact of her injuries on her mobility. Louis has been helping his mum at home.

More recently Louis and his Dad took part in our bi-annual trek of Mount Snowdon to raise funds for Little Troopers.

Louis was presented with his medal by our founder Louise Fetigan at our Bi-annual trek of Mount Snowdon on the 9th of September.

Louis was one of the first of the group to reach the top during our fundraising trek of Mount Snowdon. He said: “It was quite hard climbing the mountain but when I got to the top I felt really proud of myself. We’re little troopers and little troopers never give up!”

“I’ve chosen to support Little Troopers because I know how hard military life can be for kids. We’re born in this world and it’s tough, I’m so proud of my daddy and I love being part of the Royal Navy family but I do really miss him. When he gets deployed I worry, we maybe get to speak to him every few weeks and we get the odd email during the week but my life is just meant to continue as normal and everyone around me at school, my activities don’t see how much I’m hurting inside. This is why Little Troopers is important to me, it brings awareness to the struggles we face, it provides schools with support so they can better understand what we are going through. It makes us feel connected.”

On his win Louis told us : “I couldn’t believe I won the Little Trooper of the Month award, I was really shocked. It meant a lot that someone saw what I’ve been through and to know we’re not on our own as a family.

“We all have difficulties and life can be hard but to know that others stand with me really helps. It’s just like climbing Snowdon when it gets tough we help each other to conquer it. I can’t wait to show my medal to my school friends”

Louis will receive a medal, certificate and £50 gift voucher as part of his Little Trooper of the Month award.

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Louis Darwell

Nominate a Trooper of the month!

We want to recognise Little Troopers; children with parents serving in the British Armed Forces who have been exceptionally brave, inspirational or just extra special against all odds. 

This is an opportunity to really celebrate and shine a spotlight on the lives of incredible military children, hear the special stories and give them the recognition they really deserve.

Our monthly winner will receive a special prize, certificate and lasting recognition of a customised, unique medal. We will also shout about how amazing our winners our on our website, social media and other related publications.

Nominations welcomed from Unit Welfare Offices, Community Development Workers, Schools/Nurseries and of course YOU!

If you are not the parent or guardian of the child you are nominating you must ask permission and advise them you are nominating. We will need to contact them directly to progress a nomination if successful.

Unsuccessful nominations will not be contacted.

Please upload a recent photograph we can use for certificate and hall of fame if they win:

Eligible children: ANY child with a parent or step parent currently serving with the British Army, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force; wherever they live, reserve or regular, parents married or unmarried. Children can only win once. Please only nominate one child per nomination. Children of any age can be nominated. Please ensure all the information you submit is true and correct stating if the child is a step child/has a different father or mother to serving person.