
Little Trooper of the Month

Noah Marsh

August 2023

Noah Marsh, from Greenfield, lives with his Mum, Dad, sister Scarlett (age 11) and brother Connor (age 16). Noah’s Dad serves in the British Army and regularly spends time away from home with work. This summer he was deployed overseas in the Middle East but while he was away, Scarlett unexpectedly had a seizure and started choking. Young Noah leapt into action and raised the alarm, alerting his Mum and following instructions until the ambulance arrived. 

This was Scarlett’s first ever seizure and happened completely out of the blue. Scarlett has had several seizures since, and has now been diagnosed with Epilepsy.  Each time there has been a seizure Noah has been supportive, understanding and caring, doing what he can to help. 

Noah’s family have previously used resources from the charity, Little Troopers, to support Scarlett and Noah while their Dad has served away and their Mum decided to nominate Noah for the ‘Little Trooper of the Month’ award. 

Noah’s Mum, Karen, comments: “Noah has always been very mature for his age having grown up as a military child. His Dad works away every week and also travels overseas a lot for work, sometimes for several months at a time. It isn’t easy having his Dad away so much but Noah always takes everything in his stride and has shown such resilience. He has been absolutely amazing this summer in support of his sister Scarlett. Even when we had to cancel our family holiday, Noah has been so accepting and dealt with everything in such a mature manner. He is absolutely over the moon to be awarded Little Trooper of the Month and can’t wait to wear his medal with pride on Remembrance Day with his Dad.” 

Louise Fetigan, founder of Little Troopers, adds: “Our Little Trooper of the Month award is all about recognising military children who are extra special and go above and beyond. As soon as we heard about Noah we knew he deserved a medal. Having a parent deployed is challenging enough, but to then show such maturity and resilience in the face of a medical emergency is amazing. Noah, we hope you enjoy your medal and it helps you realise what a special little trooper you really are.” 

Noah will receive a medal, certificate and £50 gift voucher as part of his Little Trooper of the Month award.

Noah Marsh

Noah Marsh

Nominate a Trooper of the month!

We want to recognise Little Troopers; children with parents serving in the British Armed Forces who have been exceptionally brave, inspirational or just extra special against all odds. 

This is an opportunity to really celebrate and shine a spotlight on the lives of incredible military children, hear the special stories and give them the recognition they really deserve.

Our monthly winner will receive a special prize, certificate and lasting recognition of a customised, unique medal. We will also shout about how amazing our winners our on our website, social media and other related publications.

Nominations welcomed from Unit Welfare Offices, Community Development Workers, Schools/Nurseries and of course YOU!

If you are not the parent or guardian of the child you are nominating you must ask permission and advise them you are nominating. We will need to contact them directly to progress a nomination if successful.

Unsuccessful nominations will not be contacted.

Please upload a recent photograph we can use for certificate and hall of fame if they win:

Eligible children: ANY child with a parent or step parent currently serving with the British Army, Royal Navy or Royal Air Force; wherever they live, reserve or regular, parents married or unmarried. Children can only win once. Please only nominate one child per nomination. Children of any age can be nominated. Please ensure all the information you submit is true and correct stating if the child is a step child/has a different father or mother to serving person.