
The Little Troopers Blog


We climbed a Mountain despite the challenges!

10 years ago, Our Founder Louise, her daughter and a group of friends inspired the creation of Little Troopers after climbing Snowdon to give them a focus while their Dads were away serving in Iraq. This year we were forced to cancel our biennial Mount Snowdon climb in May due to the Covid lockdown.

However, our supporters have come through for us once again as more than 70 climbers have conquered Mount Snowdon during September. While many others completed virtual Mountain challenges from home including running, hiking and cycling. Our fantastic team has raised over £5,000 this year!

Louise said: “Our Mount Snowdon climb was supposed to be our biggest fundraising event of 2020 so we are so thankful to all our fundraisers who have supported us and completed their mountain challenge, whether that be in Wales or from home. Every penny makes a huge difference to our small charity.”

Our youngest climber was Jude, aged nine who took on Mount Snowdon with his Dad Barry who serves with the British Army. Jude said “I was really nervous before the challenge but I’m so proud that I did it. There aren’t any other military children at my school and that’s hard sometimes so I wanted to help raise some money and tell everyone about Little Troopers and everything they do.”



Two other little supporters took on our virtual challenge. Four-year-old Zach took on 14km on his bike alongside Mum Kate. While Cyrus aged five walked the 14km with his family on the 19th September. Louise added “Our virtual challenge was new this year and it was so lovely to see so many families take up the challenge. Cyrus and Zach, along with many others proved that they were true Little Troopers.”

We love seeing all your Snowdon pictures. Here’s all the pictures we have seen so far. If we haven’t got yours here, please email them to [email protected].


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