14 children and their families are taking on a 975-metre walking challenge to conquer Mount Snowdon to raise money for Little Troopers. The bi-annual fundraising challenge is taking place in May, and we’ve already raised over £1,000.
Louise Fetigan, Founder of Little Troopers said “This will be our fourth trek up Snowdon. It is such a great event seeing families pull together and the little troopers encouraging each other to reach the top. All the money that we raise will ensure we can continue to support the families of the British Army, Royal Navy & Royal Air Force.
“The gruelling trek is a challenge for anyone with mixed terrain and step in parts, it is a huge undertaking for the children taking part. We’re encouraging everyone to support this year’s challenge team by making a donation.”
Maria Slater aged 7, will be taking on the challenge with her Mum and Dad she said, “I will be one of the youngest on the trek, as I join my family and lots of other Little Troopers fundraisers for the challenge. I am an army child and I know what it’s like when my daddy goes away. It can be hard. I like Little Troopers”
There is lots of time to fundraise for this event and we’re encouraging our challenge families to do as much as they can. The Easter holidays give the perfect opportunity to organize a tea and cake morning with friends or a coffee mornings at toddler groups, you could even encourage friends and family to keep fit with you by organising a family sports day event.
If you want to make a donation please visit the Challenge team’s web page here.