
The Little Troopers Blog


A month to celebrate all our dandelions

April is the international month of the military child and we want you to get involved and help us celebrate all of your gorgeous Little Troopers! Most of us are spending more time with our children than we have in a long time with schools closed and the Easter Holidays coming upon us. Don’t fear we have lots planned and some extra special competitions and giveaways.

Did you know the official flower of the military child is the dandelion because it’s seeds are blown far and wide by the wind but it will always plant roots and blossom wherever it lands. That’s why we’ve got lots of dandelion themed activities to keep you and your Little Troopers busy this month.

We’re launching a new t-shirt, have lots of new activities in our Crafty Little Troopers Section and have some famous faces sharing their experiences of being a Military child:

Joanna Lumley’s Father served in the Army, her story can be found on our special Dandelion page, and she sent a special message to Little Troopers: “The world is a vast and utterly thrilling place. Never be bored for a moment, as there is so much to see, and taste, to learn and absorb. Try to fit in to your new home and school at once; make friends as though you will never part, although you shall have to. Look at everything, and say “I like this” before you think you don’t.”

We also heard from Jenny Éclair whose Father also served in the Army, her message for our Little Troopers is “Enjoy it, make as many friends as possible, be nice to the new kids because you might be a new kid soon.” Jenny’s story is also online.

Louise, Founder of the charity said “We know our military children are super special but we wanted to use the occasion of the Month of the Military Child to shout about how proud we are. We hope you love our new activities and we would love to see your crafty creations. Watch out for our special competitions and giveaways through our Facebook and Instagram pages!”

To find out more click here.

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