Happy New Year! Lets start 2016 with a blogpost….
Our last guest blogpost from an unacompanied military family was so popular (read again HERE) I asked Jo a wife of a Royal Marine to write a post about her business Huggable Heroes.
Jo attended our Summer Camp in 2015 and her Huggable Heroes are a great resource for military children, hope you like reading the post with a cuppa.
Louise xxxx
My name is Jo, I am a Military Wife, living in a married quarter with my husband and two beautiful Children 6 hours from home…..
Have you heard of Huggable Heroes? I am known as the ‘Huggable Heroes Lady’, which I secretly Love.
Huggable Heroes are helping military children with a loved one working away cope with Separation Anxiety, a design of making a photo of the loved one into a cuddly toy to help them express their feelings of sadness, anger, loneliness, happiness and love
By simply having their hero to cuddle at bedtime or to take to their first day at school, Mummy or Daddy will not ‘miss’ a thing.
Our very own Huggable Heroes have helped me to understand when the children are upset either missing or mad with Daddy, helping me to know how to respond to them in the best way. Daddy was with us at both children’s first days at Pre School and is a regular at Swimming Lessons and Ballet…
Charlotte (4 years) is fascinating to watch with her Hero. She gives Daddy the most amazing cuddles and reads to him. When she is mad that he is working away she tells Daddy off. He has been known to sit on the naughty step and has even been thrown across the room on more than one occasion! (I would like to add, I do not throw anyone or anything across the room when I am angry!)
Henry (My 2 year old) enjoys rough and tumble with Daddy, he knows he is only allowed to do this with Daddy and yes I have found him doing ‘Big Daddy Splashes’ on his Hero!
Another huge difference I have found since having Huggable Heroes in our lives is the time it takes for the children to reconnect with Daddy when he gets home. In the past they would shy away from Daddy, clinging to me for hours on end (which as you know is heartbreaking for all involved). Charlotte and Henry now take Daddy his hero to show him, reducing the reunite time dramatically and I put this down to Daddy still being such a huge part of a daily routine even when he is away.
Huggable Heroes have 100% reinforced the bond between them.
If you would like to see some customer reviews on Huggable Heroes, please check out the ‘Posts to Page’ on Facebook, we have received 100% positive feedback that Huggable Heroes have helped to Reduce Separation Anxiety in our brave children. (www.Facebook.com/HuggableHeroes)
I launched Huggable Heroes in January 2015 after spending 8 months making them for family and friends and realising just how much they help other families.
Since Launching in January last year Huggable Heroes have helped more than 500 Children! We hope that in 2016 we can reach out to more military families struggling with Separation Anxiety.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my guest Blog, I look forward to meeting some of you in the coming months.
Stay Strong
Lots of Love
Jo (AKA Huggable Heroes Lady)
PS If you would like to buy a Huggable Hero, please follow this link to the shop on Little Troopers website. I will donate 10% to Little Troopers for each Hero they sell.
PPS I would be honored if you would help me reach more families by sharing us on Facebook or requesting some flyers or posters for your local coffee mornings.