
The Little Troopers Blog


Little Troopers invited to Number 10!

This week we were over the moon to be invited to Number 10! On Monday our charity founder Louise accompanied two of our little troopers to a Reception at the Prime Minister’s home. The reception was to celebrate Military charities and hosted by Jonny Mercer MP, Minister for State for Veteran Affairs.

Louise said, “We were delighted to receive the invite to meet Jonny Mercer and the Prime Minister’s wife Akshata Murty. Ella and Louis were superstars chatting to Johnny Mercer and showing off their Little Trooper of the Month medals.”

Ella is the most recent recipient of our Little Trooper of the Month award. By the age of six, Ella had already lived in four different countries and six different houses. Her Dad’s job requires the family to move frequently. In addition to coping with the challenges of being a little trooper Ella has also been fundraising. Ella made lavender bags and sold them to friends and families raising an incredible £50. Ella took a lavender bag along to the reception gave it to Akshata.

As well as Ella and her Mum, our September award recipient Louis and his mum Rachel joined us. Rachel said“What an amazing day. Louis loved it!  Fantastic conversation with wonderful people.”

Raising awareness

Louise added, “Everyone knows that people in the Armed Forces are sent away on deployment or for training. However, the impact of that and new postings on their children is not always recognised or understood. As well as supporting our little troopers it is our job to raise awareness of the challenges they face. This Reception gave us an incredible platform and while we did speak to other guests, Ella and Louis were the real stars.”

If you would like to nominate someone for our Little Trooper of the Month, scheme you can find out more here.

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