
The Little Troopers Blog


The 2nd edition of the Little Troopers Gazette is out now!

The second edition of our Little Troopers Gazette is out now. The Spring issue is packed full with stories and information written by little troopers for little troopers. The first edition of our special newspaper flew off the shelf so be sure to request your copy now.

Louise, Charity founder, said; “The last year has been a unique one with most of the World being locked down at home for an extended period of time. Children have missed their friends at school and most of their ‘out of school’ activities have stopped. We launched the Gazette with the aim to bring our little trooper community together and it has been received so positively.”

This second edition is full of news and activities. 8-year-old Alfie Crawley shows us his love for Ice Hockey and 5-year-old Alfie shares his story about life with his Dad who serves in the Navy. Lily, Harvey and Maria tell us about the places they live with their military families. As well as our real-life pieces, this edition is also packed with lots of ‘did you know’ facts and fun activities.

The Little Troopers Gazette has been made possible by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund which awarded the charity a grant as part of its ‘Forces Communities Together’ programme. The programme awarded funding to creative and engaging projects that could be delivered under social restrictions and would support people from the Armed Forces Community who have been isolated as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

To order your free issue, you just need to click here. Please remember that Schools and Military Community Support can make bulk orders for up to 50 copies.

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