
The Little Troopers Blog


New! Secondary School Wellbeing Course

We are delighted to announce that our Secondary School Wellbeing Course is available now. The Wellbeing pack provides six weeks of facilitator notes, presentations and handouts for use with small groups in a senior school setting. The pack has been added to a suite of resources for use with older military children.

This wellbeing resource covers: Belonging, Resilience, Doodle Say, Emotional Awareness, Mindfulness and creative writing. All of the elements aim to explore some of the more challenging aspects of military life, as well as introducing positive tools that the students can use to cope with change and challenge. 

Louise, founder of the charity said, “Over the last four years our schools resources have grown. We began with a focus on primary schools but as I reflected on my own daughter’s journey through school, I could see that students at senior school needed a different style of support. Thanks to funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund, we have been able to develop tailored resources and make them free to all secondary schools.”

The wellbeing course joins our secondary school hub. Online you can find:

  • Five documents for teachers and educational professionals including Assemble ideas, a leadership checklist and parents perspectives
  • Resources for use with military children including literacy projects and a mindfulness pack
  • Forces Life Club, which has everything you need to start a recreational club for military children and ideas for the first 8 weeks. We are currently running a 25 for 25 scheme for this resource; the first 25 schools to show us a Force Life Club in action will receive a thank you from the charity, read more here.

Everything that you need for the Secondary School Wellbeing course will be sent to the school on a USB including PowerPoints, facilitator notes and activity sheets. This will allow the school to access the course and print the activity sheets as many times as needed. You can order the course here.

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