
The Little Troopers Blog


Little Troopers – making smiles happen

Throughout December 2016 Little Troopers have worked hard to ensure lots of Little Troopers managed to make memories and smile even through they have or are experiencing elongated separation this Christmas time.

Over 4500 service personnel will be deployed across the world this Christmas, that is a lot of Little Troopers who will have an empty chair at the Christmas table.

We have worked with lots of establishments to run our Christmas scheme this year and have sent Little Troopers to Pantomimes in; Chatham, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Newcastle, Oxford, Shrewsbury and Stoke and additionally families have been to the X-Factor Finals, LapLand UK and Disney on Ice: Frozen.

We are so pleased over 300 have benefited from the scheme and lots of memories made which meant the next time they spoke to their parent away they have something fantastic to share!

We hope everyone has enjoyed the shows, a huge thank you to all who donated tickets and we wish all our Little Troopers a very Merry Christmas xx

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