
The Little Troopers Blog


Little Troopers Gazette – first edition of 2022 is out now!

The first Little Troopers Gazette of the year is out now. The Spring 2022 edition of the newspaper is packed full, taking you through the Month of the Military Child (April) and beyond. Many of its stories have been written by little troopers for Little Troopers.

In this edition you can read 9 year old Carlotta’s interview with her Dad who serves as a Squadron Leader in the Royal Air Force. 12 year old Grace and 9 year old Harriet tell us about their military life and one of the stars of our podcast series SQUAD tells us about growing up as a military child.

Lots of the favourite features are also back, there is a recipe for Rainbow Cookies, great gardening tips and details of our Platinum Jubilee crafts. This edition also has a cut out Month of the Military Child Selfie frame – we can’t wait to see your pictures!

Quote from Louise “I truly love the Gazette newspaper. It is so special that most of the content is created by our little troopers. I hope they love reading it as much as I love bringing it all to life.”

If one of your children is a budding reporter, they could be featured in the next issue of the Little Troopers Gazette. We welcome articles from children of any age. On our special website page you will find templates, top tips for writing and lots of ideas of subjects to write about.

To order your issue, which is delivered free, you just need to click here. Please remember that Schools and Military Community Support can make bulk orders for up to 50 copies.

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