
The Little Troopers Blog


Let us help with summer holiday plans

Did you know that we have over 50 activities to help you entertain the children over the summer holiday? We have a fantastic Crafty Little Troopers section on our website which has activities for children of all ages. The activity sheets are ready to download and many of them use items you will have in the house.

Louise, founder of our charity said, “Schools in Scotland are breaking up for Summer this week and England and Wales only have a few more weeks to go. We know how hard it can be to entertain children for six weeks, especially if you have someone deployed. Crafty Little Trooper activities are great for keeping the children busy and to give you 5 minutes peace!”

Recently we have added some new projects, so you can now choose from 56 activities. There are colouring sheets, wordsearches and a maze. If you want something more creative you can find guides to help you make a piggy bank, fairy wand, sock puppet and a robin hood hat. For those who love to cook we have Camo cupcakes and pancakes recipes, or you could grow a cress head.

If you want to move away from craft, you could organise a family awards evening? Why not dress up, make a special dinner and present some of our certificates to worthy award winners. We also have some gorgeous affirmation cards that can be used to give everyone in your family a boost.

Louise, adds “We love to see your crafty creations, so please take a photo and share it with us on social media with the hashtag #craftylittletroopers.”


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