
The Little Troopers Blog


Fundraise February raises over £3,600!

Our wonderful supporters have raised over £3,600 during Fundraise February and the money is still coming in. We are overwhelmed by the amazing fundraising that took place. Pyjama days, cake sales and big challenges for little legs were just some of the ways you joined us to raise money.

Louise, Founder of the charity said: “As a small charity, we review our work and start each year with plans to help even more little troopers. Funding for any charity is a challenge, especially after the last couple of years, but your support during February has given us a real boost. Thank you so much.”

We are so grateful to all our supporters, here are a few highlights from the last month:

  • @doubletroublecake created an extra special brownie box for Fundraise February. The delicious collection of Kinder Bueno, Oreo and Toblerone brownies raised £94.72.


  • Instagram group @ohmymummy set up a small business auction, with lots including craft sets, bath treat and house decorations. The auction raised £353.25.


  • Little trooper Millie Foreman rode her bike throughout February meeting her target of 15 miles. She raised a super £80.



  • Zara, Jasper and Cyrus signed up for Read-a-Thons, they read lots of books and raised £95.


  • Maddy Cane ran walked, skipped and danced her way round 10km of Dishforth Airfield. So far, she has raised an amazing £175.


  • On 17th Feb the children at Wendover C of E Junior School wore their pyjamas for the day and raised £552.


  • Sales of the beautiful Stanley and Maud bracelet, created especially for Fundraise February, raised £1,130!


Louise adds “Every penny raise for our charity makes a big difference. We are grateful to all of our supporters who raise money for us throughout the year.”

If you would like to fundraise for Little Troopers, we have lots of resources to help you. Click here to find out more.  

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