
The Little Troopers Blog


Emma and Lucy take on a May Marathon challenge

Two sisters from Wendover are in the last week of a May Marathon challenge. Emma (10) and Lucy (7), whose dad serves in Royal Air Force, wanted to do something to help other little troopers like them. Along with JoanneHannah and Michaela they chose to take on a physical challenge and selected Little Troopers to raise money for.

Emma and Lucy aimed to run or walk 26 miles together during the month of May and have been going out most days to complete a mile before school. They have already raised £120. Like many Armed Forces personnel, Emma and Lucy’s Dad spends time away from home due to military exercises and deployments. He is due to be deployed again for four months later this year.

Emma and Lucy’s Dad, John, said: “We’re so proud of how the girls have taken on the challenge with such enthusiasm and energy. They have loved having a service club for military children at school and they really enjoyed the Little Troopers workshop and activities. They took on the challenge as they wanted to give something back and support other forces children who are going through similar experiences!”

Three other fundraisers have also signed up for a physical challenge, over the next month, taking on half marathons:

  • Joanne has decided to Bath Half Marathon to give herself something to focus on during a 6-month deployment. She said “Little Troopers exists to help children like Isla deal with parental deployment. People say all the time, ‘the kids are resilient’. Whilst they are, they need love and support to help them understand and feel closer to their deployed parent. Little Troopers provides resources for schools and for home and without them and their ideas, the countdown to Daddy coming home would be even longer.”
  • Hannah and her Mum Michaela have signed up for the Asda Foundation Hull Half Marathon. It is their first ever half marathon and most likely their last! Hannah said, “Little Troopers is a charity that is close to our hearts. My husband, Peter, is serving in the Royal Navy as a Submariner. This means he is often away for long periods of time and is unable to have any contact with family back home. This is especially hard for our children, Paisley and Kenny, to cope with. Paisley and Kenny’s favourite thing to do whilst their Daddy is at sea is to listen to him read them a story with the use of the Little Troopers Treasures app. Seeing their little faces when they are able to see and hear their Daddy is a huge boost for all of us.”


Louise, founder of the charity, comments: “Seeing military children and their parents fundraise for our small charity really warms our heart. Every penny raised really does make a big difference and helps Little Troopers to continue flying the flag for military children. We want to ensure that they feel recognised, supported and have a place to turn during challenging times such as when a parent is serving away from home or when they move home or school.”

To support Emma and Lucy in their May Marathon Challenge, visit www.littletroopers.net/donate to make a one-off donation and add a personalised note of support for the girls.

If you would like to find out more about fundraising for our charity, click here.

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Emma and Lucy, fundraisers

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