
Little Troopers Bookshelf

Mummy/Daddy at Sea

By Talula Grey

These books have been written for children with a parent in the Royal Navy, of primary school age, who experience their parent going away to sea. The books are designed specifically to answer questions young children have about what happens at sea and put to rest their fears and worries.

Questions the book aims to answer are:

  • Why does my daddy/mummy have to go away?
  • Is it dangerous? Will Daddy/Mummy be safe?
  • What does the ship do?
  • Is Daddy/Mummy lonely?
  • Is our family ok whilst Daddy/Mummy is away?
  • When is Daddy/Mummy coming home?

The book can also be used as an educational resource to teach all children about the Royal Navy and help them to support friends who may have a parent on deployment at sea.

Daddy's at Sea is based on the authors own family experience of having a husband in the Navy and does mention a 'mum' at home. Mummy's at Sea keeps the reference to the family at home more general so it can be relatable to all family types.

at sea book

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