
The Little Troopers Blog


Are you a Little Troopers Champion?

Since becoming a Champion Shellie has raised money for her Birthday via the Facebook Fundraiser App and signed up for a 5k Obstacle course with her partner to raise funds for Fundraise February.

Shellie adds “After reading through the website and thinking about my own family, from me growing up to the two little troopers we have at home, I felt that I wanted to try and help make a difference. My partner is in the Army and my Dad was also in the Army when I was younger, so it’s a Charity very close to my heart. In December I arranged a Christmas Dress up day and decided to raise money for Little Troopers at the same time. I was in contact with Amy throughout (who is brilliant by the way) and the sense of being able to help was compelling! I decided I wanted to see how I could help further and I found the Champions application form on the website.”

Louise Fetigan Founder of Little Troopers said “ I run the charity on my own and have found that one person can’t be everywhere and can’t reach everyone. I would love to have a Champion in every military area. If like Shellie you want to get involved and have an hour or two free a week then please fill in our form. The commitment we are asking is small but the impact could be amazing.”

The Little Trooper Network application form can be found here

Shellie adds “Being a Champion to me involves giving as much time as I can spare, helping spread awareness and raising much needed money for the charity, but above all being a support unit if I am needed. I’m looking forward to getting all the family including our puppy Stanley!”

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