
Louise's Blog


2012…what a year!

WOW what a year 2012 was, we provided events across the country for over 1272, we had over 15,000 visits to our blog and met so many special Little Troopers.

The biggest thing for many is a community is growing, friendships are being forged and the support is very real and people can draw so much from being with others living a similar life.

Not rank dependant, not regiment dependant, not location dependant, not corps dependant just dependant on you being a British Army family and wanting to be part of My Daddy is a Soldier Adventures.

Something really special is evolving and it has honestly been one of the most amazing years of my life and we cant wait for more of you to join our community and the adventures we go on with the Little Troopers!

Heres to 2013 but first….heres a reminder of an amazing 2012!!!!

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About Louise

Louise herself served in the British Army and saw active service in Kosovo. Her husband is a serving soldier who has undertaken six operational tours of duty since their daughter was born in 2003. Louise is passionate about helping all the Little Troopers at home through the anxiety of deployment and also the stress of a long course or exercise having experienced first hand the impact it can have.

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