
The Little Troopers Blog


Thanks to our Amazing Fundraisers

This week we want to say thanks to our amazing fundraisers. Over the last couple of months two incredible people and one company have raised over £900! In this story we focus on their challenges.

Louise, founder of our charity said “We are so grateful to everyone who raises funds for us. This season we have had a mum, little trooper and company raise money showing that everyone can get involved. As a small charity every penny raised makes a huge difference to the work, we do to support little troopers.”

Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, who is currently deployed away from her own Little Troopers, ran 100km over the month of September. The distance was broken down into 3.3km per day for 30 days. The challenge was super hard considering she was running in 47 degree heat! Charlotte has raised over £540, which is amazing.


Eight year old Annabelle chose to give up sweets and chocolate to raise money for our charity. She thought everyone who knew her would know this is a big challenge for her personally and would sponsor her. She loves chocolate and has chocolate pancakes for breakfast every morning!

Annabelle’s Mum Katie told us “Annabelle wanted to support Little Troopers as we have used their services when her daddy has been away. She’s attended some fun online workshops to keep her mind off missing him.”

Annabelle started the challenge when she went back to school in September. She wanted to finish by the time her dad went away.  Katie added “We have a jar with sweets in and eat one every day until he gets back and the jar is empty!” Annabelle’s challenge raised an incredible £315 including Gift Aid.


Our last fundraiser is a company – CTP (Career Transition Partnership). They raised £200.00 by putting a donation pot in their break out area over the summer. We really appreciate their support.

Christmas Smiles

You can help us now by donating to our Christmas Smiles appeal now! 6,300 service personnel were deployed over Christmas last year and there will be a similar number this year. This means that lots of families will have to celebrate without Mum or Dad at home. Our Christmas Smiles campaign aims to provide fun and distracting activities to give them something to look forward to and to create memories to share with their parent when they come home. If you can donate to our fundraising appeal, here

Would you like to fundraise for us?

If you’re considering organising your own fundraising challenge, you can find inspiration, ideas and practical support on our fundraising page.

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