
The Little Troopers Blog


Taking on a challenge in 2022?

It’s a New Year and many people are starting the year by setting themselves a goal. If you are signing up for a challenge event this year, please fundraise for us. As a small charity we rely on our supporters and every penny raised truly helps.

Louise, founder of the charity, said: “Whether you are signing up for a well-known challenge event or setting your own target we would truly appreciate the money you raise. The funds raised by our individual supporters mean that we can help us to support even more little troopers. It also helps us ensure that popular resources such as Little Troopers Treasures app can continue.”

To get your fundraising for Little Troopers started click here. We have lots of helpful information along with details on how to get one of our Little Troopers running vests. For 2022 the charity has also signed up to a new fundraising platform. Louise adds, “As the Virgin Money Giving platform is no longer in operation, we have had to find a suitable alternative so we have signed up to the “Give as you Live” platform.”

  • Give as you Live also enables you to set up fundraising pages to support Little Troopers as well as fundraise for larger events with other people from the Little Troopers community.
  • Give as you Live generates charitable giving from your everyday shopping either online or instore.

Louise continues, “Give as you Live is free to sign up and we are so excited about the possibilities. It allows those who are looking for a way to support us, but don’t have time to invest in training for events, to still help us make a difference.”

Don’t forget, Fundraise February is just around the corner. We have some great ways for you to get involved, to find out more click here.

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