
The Little Troopers Blog


Supermarket Fundraising

If you have a large supermarket near your Barracks/ Base please nominate Little Troopers for their fundraising token scheme. Supermarkets donate £1,000s to charities. The token schemes in store give customers the chance to choose where the money goes.

Tesco, Adsa and Waitrose all have schemes and this is how you can nominate Little Troopers:

  • Tesco has an online form, which you can complete.
  • Asda have a form that can be downloaded or printed to complete and hand in to the store.
  • For Waitrose you can go into the store and ask for a form. 


Louise, founder of the charity said, “These token schemes are a great way to raise money but also awareness of the charity locally. It could help military families who live in the area but not on Base or in Barracks and may not know about Little Troopers.”

When completing the forms please talk about the charity but emphasise the need to support military families locally. You can use the following paragraph in your applications:

Little Troopers is a registered charity supporting all children who have parents serving in our British Armed Forces. These children face unique daily challenges including frequent house and school moves. In addition, they are regularly separated from their serving parent(s) for varying lengths of time due to military service commitments. The Charity provides fundamental resources and initiatives to help ease repeated separation periods and keep parent and child connected even when miles apart.

If you do not have a Base or Barracks near you but want to support Little Troopers you still can. By signing up to one of these initiatives you can support us throughout the year:

  • Select Little Troopers as your preferred charity on amazon smile – every time you shop a donation will be made to our charity
  • Set up a birthday fundraiser on Facebook – 53 people have chosen to donate to Little Troopers over the last two years and raised an amazing £5,092!
  • Sign up to Give as you Live – by shopping through this website the charity will receive a donation. There are over 5,500 online stores including the big supermarkets, travel companies and fashion stores.


Thank you for all your help and support.

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