
The Little Troopers Blog


Starting at a new school – let us help you.

If you moved over the summer, it is very likely that your little troopers will be starting at a new school. We have just added a selection of information sheets and checklists to our website to make the transition easier.

Louise, founder of our charity said: “Unfortunately the reality of military life can mean our children attend several different schools.  It can seem daunting, especially when you are trying to unpack, get to know the area and get everyone settled.

Information streets for Parents

You can access the free to download information sheets from the website page.  They aim to empower parents of military children and cover the following:

  • Helping to better understand the Service Pupil Premium
  • Absence in school term time
  • Education options

There are also two Form templates. One for when you start a new school and a second for when you have a separation period coming up.

If your little one is apprehensive about their first day, you could download ‘Starting a new school’ X-ray of Feelings. The X-Ray of Feelings resources are a series of beautifully illustrated pictures showing an X-Ray of a child’s body. Surrounding the image there are some of the thoughts and feelings children might be experiencing when facing some situations. Each illustration is accompanied by an activity sheet that has been created by an educational psychologist.

Information sheets for schools

In addition to these sheets, we’ve added some updated sheets to the schools section of our website for education professionals. The schools information sheets cover:

  • Understanding more about the Service Pupil Premium
  • Challenges military children may face
  • Ways you can support children from military families in school,
  • Best practice
  • The impact of separation
  • Setting up a Little Troopers club
  • and many more topics


Louise adds, “If you are moving away from base or have your own home you may find your child is the only little trooper in the school. Please feel free to send the links above to your new school. Our aim is to share our experience, help schools and ensure little troopers have the support they need.”

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