
The Little Troopers Blog


Schools Project gets huge boost from the Covenant fund

Little Troopers has received its biggest ever grant from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund in support of our schools project. We received a massive £85,000 in support of our national project to provide educational resources for schools which guides them through the unique needs of military children and shows them how they can support them daily. 

Louise Fetigan, our charity founder, explained: “The funding received means so much to our charity and will enable us to expand the Little Troopers at School project to not only bring vital resources for older military children in education to fruition, but also enable us to get out on the road. We plan to visit lots of locations, reaching out to many schools, and the military children within. There will be new workshops plus a roadshow for education settings to gather information and knowledge.”

Our Little Troopers at School project was created to help teachers find resources and information that can help military children in their school. Our resources include a Primary School Resource pack, A Military child wellbeing course, Special Resources for children with additional needs and lots of free factsheets for both parents and children.

The funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund will help us create and make available a resource pack for military children in secondary school education plus a wellbeing course to be delivered in secondary schools. Louise adds “We have been desperate to create these resources for older children and are so grateful to the Armed Forces Covenant Fund for helping us with that and our roadshow. Obviously, any plans for a roadshow are on hold at the moment but we are doing lots of behind the scenes planning so we are raring to go once this bleak situation changes.”

There are lots of resources online that Teachers can use with military children in the classroom or at home to find out more please visit our schools page

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