
The Little Troopers Blog


On the move?

Summer is here and many of our children are on school holidays or just about to start their holidays. However, for many in the military it is time for packing boxes and moving on once more. A new posting can be both exciting or scary but what it definitely means is lots of packing boxes, coordinating movers and sorting out new schools.

Louise, our charity founder said “This time last year I was in your shoes moving to our 7thposting and 8thhouse as a family. We were moving from Windsor back down to Dorset. It was my daughter’s fifth school in five years and we were up to our eyes in packing boxes. My husband returned from deployment 10 days before we moved. It was tough and I have so much sympathy for those going through it this year. I wanted to make sure that you knew that our charity can help you”

Little Troopers has several resources that can help you with your move:

  • Our moving labels in the Crafty Little Troopers section are perfect for getting the whole family involved; there is a label template for the children to colour in and decorate before attaching to boxes.

In our schools section there are several documents that can help you;

Louise adds “One year on I am relieved to once again feel settled in our new home. This summer I will be making sure that I say hi to new families who move to our area because after the upheaval of moving having a friendly face welcoming me made such a big difference to our move.”

Happy moving!

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