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Little Troopers met the Chelsea Pensioners

Last week a group of 16 little Troopers met the Chelsea Pensioners. Our charity was delighted to partner with the Royal Hospital Chelsea this year to mark the Month of the Military Child. The group were invited to the iconic home of the Chelsea Pensioners to take part in a special intergenerational workshop.

The Royal Hospital Chelsea

The Royal Hospital Chelsea is home of the Chelsea Pensioners, a group of British Army veterans, living in the heart of London.

The Hospital was founded in 1681 by King Charles II. He issued a Royal Warrant authorising the building of the Hospital to care for those ‘broken by age or war’. There are now more than 300 Chelsea Pensioners living at the Hospital. They come from all walks of life and from all four corners of the United Kingdom.

Gorgeous day

Louise, founder of our charity, comments: “There are tens of thousands of children in the UK whose parents serve in the British Armed Forces. Month of the Military Child is about recognising the unique experiences they go through as they grow up in the forces community. Today was a wonderful opportunity to connect military children with some of the iconic Chelsea Pensioners. It was lovely to see and understand just how much these two generations have in common. The children were fascinated to hear the Pensioners memories and tales of military life. Many of the Pensioners had their own little troopers who are now grown-up. They were interested in the experiences of these modern-day military children. It was a special day that both groups will remember for many years to come.”

The Pensioners loved showing our little troopers around the Hospital grounds and explaining the centuries of history behind the building. The group shared stories of forces life and then decorated miniature Pensioners’ Tricorne hats and painted dandelions together.

It was a fun day!

Keavie (age 7), told us: “I had a wonderful time with the Chelsea Pensioners and especially loved talking to John! He was so nice to me and told me lots of interesting things about his life. He had been to places my Daddy has been to!”

Another of the children, Bea (age 6), said: “One of the Pensioners talked about how being brave is doing something even though you’re a bit scared… like when we had to move and I had to start my new school. That was me being brave.”

As the day drew to a close one of the Pensioners commented: “It’s been an absolute delight for us to have so many well-mannered, friendly, smiling children all day long and I think they really enjoyed the day.”

Our day at the Royal Hospital Chelsea was just one of many events that we have planned for Month of the Military Child.

To find out what else we have coming up this month, click here.

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Little Troopers at the Royal Hospital Chelsea

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