
The Little Troopers Blog


Little Troopers launches new ‘My Army Life’ book to mark World Book Day

We are so excited to be launching the first book of a new series just in time for World Book Day. My Army Life is available now and follows the story of a young girl whose Army Dad goes away on deployment.

The new book is the first of a new series that joins our Dear Mummy/ Daddy series. The new story is told through a series of diary entries. We follow the unnamed girl throughout her experience and learn everything about her unique life as a military child, including how she keeps in touch with her Dad and how her family and friends cope when a loved one is serving away with the British Armed Forces.

Louise, founder of the Charity said: “Books are so important for children in helping to read, igniting their imagination and for education. Our ‘Dear Daddy’ and ‘Dear Mummy’ book series has been hugely popular in the last few years, so we are delighted that Donna is writing the new ‘My Life’ series. When all six books are complete there will be a book for each of the services from the perspective of both Mum and Dad.

“The books are another special resource designed to support all the Little Troopers out there and get people talking about the unique challenges of military life. The feedback we’ve had so far has been fantastic and we’d love to see this new book in school libraries and homes across the country

Author Donna David added: “My husband is in the RAF and we have three children so Little Troopers is a charity close to my heart. I understand how military children can face unique challenges, especially when their parent is serving away from home and it’s these experiences that I have brought to life through the Little Troopers books.

“As a military parent, I still feel there is a huge gap in the market for storybooks that represent service children, which is what inspired me to pen the collection. Identifying with a literary character is a great way for children to explore their feelings and emotions and it also helps them to realise that other children are going through similar experiences. I hope this new series is just as loved as the first and that the books continue to help support military children across the British Forces community.”

All of Donna’s Little Troopers books, including ‘My Army Life’ are available to buy from the Little Troopers online store with all proceeds going back into the charity. Each book costs just £3.50 each (plus P&P).

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