
The Little Troopers Blog


Launch of our free resources for healthcare settings

This week we launched a new free webpage for healthcare settings. Healthcare Professionals can now access military-specific tools and resources to support forces children in their settings.

Louise, founder of our charity, comments: “Over the last year we have received a growing number of enquiries from healthcare professionals. They are looking for ways to specifically acknowledge and support Armed Forces children in their care. The aim is to empower them with tools to increase their knowledge and understanding of military life. In addition, we want to give them practical resources that can be used in healthcare settings on a day-to-day basis.”

On the website page you’ll find a selection of our resources that can be adapted for any healthcare setting. They can be used in children’s hospitals and wards, paediatric outpatient facilities, children’s centres, GP surgeries and social work services.

The free resources have been created in collaboration with qualified therapists, psychologists and other professionals. They include patient activities, video guides, audio clips, certificate templates, mindfulness resources and information about the Little Troopers Therapy Programme.

Play Therapists will love the Crafty Little Troopers activities. With over 50 activities there are craft projects for children of all ages. Some military related and others with Christmas/ Easter themes.

Louise, added, “This week we spoke to a group of healthcare professionals to showcase these resources. Their reaction was really positive. We are so keen to share our resources wider. If you know anyone working with children in healthcare, please share our web page.”

You can find the website page here: www.littletroopers.net/little-troopers-in-healthcare

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