
The Little Troopers Blog


Join us for July residential weekend in Torquay

We are so excited to announce that we have booked our third residential weekend*. The short break for military teens, will take place from Friday 14th to Sunday 17th July at Barton Hall in Torquay.

The weekend is part of the Little Troopers All Together deployment club and is specifically for teenagers aged 14+. Over the weekend they will get to make new friends and take part in a packed itinerary of outdoor adventures. There will be rock climbing to abseiling and archery. 

Louise, founder of our charity, said: “Our All Together residentials have been so well received by military families and the teens say they take great comfort in spending time with others from the forces community who have shared similar life experiences. It warms our hearts to see them making the best of friends with people they’ve never met before. They arrive on the Friday looking shy and awkward and by Saturday lunchtime it’s like they’ve always known each other. We expect this summer residential to be popular and we’re looking forward to meeting a new group of young people.”

This will be the third of five residential weekends that the charity is running thanks to funding from the Veterans Foundation, Greenwich Hospital, HDH Wills, Henry Sale Foundation and The Prince of Wales Charitable Fund.

What you need to know

The weekend is completely free to attend, but transport is not provided. Parents need to bring their children to the Centre by 6pm on Friday and collect them by 3pm on Sunday. If the weekend is oversubscribed, priority will be given to children who have parents on deployment.

To find out more about the residential and book your place, click here.

If you have 7-13 year old little troopers, make sure you are signed up to our newsletter. We will be announcing details of our next adventure day, which will be held in the Summer holidays, soon.

*  The weekend is part of the Little Troopers All Together deployment club and is specifically for teenagers aged 14+ who have parents currently serving in the British Armed Forces.

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All Together teens

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