
The Little Troopers Blog


Will you join our Scafell Pike trek?

We are looking for friends and families to join our Scafell Pike Trek? Our charity has a history of trekking to raise funds for our work. This year we are running a fundraising trek in a new location in September.

Scafell Pike is England’s highest mountain and located in the Lake District National Park. The summit of Scafell Pike is 3209 feet high making it popular with amateur and professional trekkers.

Louise, founder of the charity said; “The Snowdon trek has been so successful for our charity. This year we are taking the essence of Snowdon and moving it up North. The trek will be a challenge for adults and children alike. Having completed several of these treks I know that the whoops and smiles at the end make everything worth it.”

Little Troopers (well its predecessor My Daddy is a Soldier Adventures) was born after Louise (our charity founder) and her daughter Madison climbed Snowdon with a group of friends in 2011. Madison’s Dad was deployed to the Afghanistan conflict at the time and she was struggling. Louise got together with a friend and planned a trek up Snowdon as fundraising event to help distract the girls. They trained and planned for 3 months and Louise can still remember their joy when they got to the top!

Will you join our Scafell Pike Trek?

You can sign up now for the trek that will take place on the 14th September 2024. The entry fee (£15pp) has been heavily subsidised by our trek sponsors – Team Forces.  The fee will cover your guided trek, safety, medal, certificate and tea and cake post trek. Details on fundraising and a training plan can be found on our website. You can plan some fun walks in with the family or friends over the summer.

Louise adds “We would love families, groups of friends and work colleagues to join us. As a small charity we rely on funds raised by events like these. Previous treks have raised over £15,000 to help us continue our work in supporting little troopers.”

Click here to sign up now!

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