
The Little Troopers Blog


Fundraise February is well underway!

As we reach the halfway point in Fundraise February it is so exciting to hear about your events. This year we’re asking everyone to commit to fundraising just £20 (or more if you like).

Louise from Little Troopers said “Little Troopers is a teeny tiny charity with a big heart, we’re doing the very best we can to support as many of the 120,000 children with one or both parents serving in the British Armed Forces as possible.The aim of our annual FUNDRAISE FEBRUARYis to remind people that raising small amounts of money is really important to us. Every single penny matters and can contribute to making a bigger impact…lots of people raising £20 would quickly mount up to AMAZING!”

This month Fiona is having a cake sale, Shellie is running a 5k, Georgie is having a beetle drive & cake sale,Charlotte, and her mum and baby group Tiger tots, are donating, Carly is having a cake sale, Heledd is having a bacon butty morning, Sue is having a coffee morning, and Cheryl is making 41 bags of sweets.

Lots of businesses have signed up to support us too:

  • Stanley & Maud has created a beautiful Limited Edition Aluminium Bangle. “we wait, we hope, we love”is inspired by those with close connections to the forces, and £10 from every bangle sold in February will be donated to our charity. stanleyandmaud.com
  • Dotty Dolittles – will be donating10% of every sign sale in February to our charity. So if you’re thinking of ordering it’s the month to do it! This includes all signs, medal hangers and pictures com/p/BtbM05KFC9e/…
  • Bonsai Body jewellery – From now to the end of February for every sale made from their website and eBay store a % will be donated to our charity!@Bonsai’s Body Jewellery
  • Giraffe & Blue Ted – For the month of February, they will be donating 10% of every ‘Welcome Home’ bunting set that is ordered facebook.com/giraffeandblueted
  • Paper Jungle – For every order placed in February they will be donating 10% of all sales to this amazing charity.
    To donate to this wonderful cause you must quote ‘FUNFEB’ at the checkout when placing your order!!paper-jungle.co.uk
  • Little ChiChis – They will donate 10% of all the sales made in February to the fantastic charity to support all service children.littlechichis.co.uk
  • Baby Pym Prints – 5% of all sales made in February will go to out charity. Hannah who runs Baby Pym Prints said “As a military family we love and rely on this charity to provide support through reading apps, posters and various other resources. The charity is so underfunded and relys on the public for donations so as part of#fundraisefebruary I am supporting Little Troopers along with a load of other amazing businesses!”Facebook:@babypymprints

Could you raise £20.00? It’s not too late to support Little Troopers during Fundraise February. We’ve put together a set of free colouring sheets for you to use if you want to raise funds at your local toddler group or a coffee morning with friends, we also have some posters available for you to print off and use to promote your event. Contact [email protected] to claim yours!

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