
The Little Troopers Blog


Fantastic Summer Camp!

Over 300 people attended Summer Camp 2015, hosted by ATR Pirbirhgt it was a fantastic weekend of activities and fun for all the family!

Saturday was a day full of events; Survival, Woodland cookery, Climbing wall, Dance, Craft, Circus skills, Swimming, Football with Chelsea FC Foundation and then rain…the rain came and oh it was a storm! Under cover we were still having fun with Laser Quest, Inflatables, Crazy Golf, Bouldering, Dazzle & Fizz, Cross bow and tin can alley!
Sunday was another day of activities with Orienteering and Pop Academy with lots of Little Troopers singing their little hearts out!

Louise said of the event “Summer Camp is exactly what I wanted to achieve with setting up the charity, families connecting and spending time together, no electronics just a field and fun all together, new friends and old…one big community”

The event is in it’s forth year, the ultimate aim of a residential centre would mean weekend events replicating Summer Camp could happen much more friquently benefitting many more families.

Read Louise’s blog from the weekend here: http://mydaddyisasoldieradventures.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/summer-camp-2015-best-yet.html

Woodland Cookery at the event with Defence Food Services;

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