
The Little Troopers Blog


Celebrating VE Day with your Little Troopers

As a Nation we are commemorating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day on Friday and Little Troopers has everything you need to celebrate at home. The 75th Anniversary of VE Day was meant to be a big National Celebration but sadly Covid-19 has caused so many events to be cancelled.

Louise, Founder of the Charity said, “This day is significant for everyone but especially those serving in the Armed Forces. We wanted to provide some fun ways for your little ones to get involved.”

On our Crafty Little Troopers page you will find templates for flags, bunting and some delicious ‘Get Cakey’ recipes to make for an afternoon tea. The flag and bunting are easy to print and can be coloured in by your children before mounting onto ribbon or string. The ‘Get Cakey’ recipes are for scones and cupcakes. The recipe sheets even come with their own little mini flags to help with decoration.

This weekend was also meant to be the Charity’s fourth trek up Snowdon, an event which commemorates how the charity began. Louise adds “We have postponed the trek until the weekend of the 19/20th September 2020. While it is sad that we can’t all meet up this weekend, it has given us the chance to open up the registrations again for those who may have missed it. It is so great to see the children and families pull together to make the 3650ft (1085 metre) climb, encouraging each other and celebrating when we reach the summit.”

This could be the perfect event for your family to focus on at this strange time; PE at home, walks in the remote countryside and planning your fundraising could all be part of your new weekly routines. If you want to sign up for Snowdon click here.


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