Can your school support our little troopers? Donations from schools have reached an all-time high for our charity in 2023. We’re only half way through the year and six schools have arranged fundraising events already, raising over £1,500.
Most of the money was raised through amazing cake sales and some schools worked their fundraising into themed days or weeks:
Military children at North Leigh CofE School in Witney raised £400 by selling their own dandelion themed artwork and cakes. The group also organised a special assembly to share their unique experiences of growing up as a service child.
- Curridge Primary School added a super heroes fancy dress day to their Get Cakey bake sale.
- Brockhurst Primary school, who have over 30 students at School, invited parents and other members of the ‘local community to come along to a ‘Super Troopers’ event. The day included crafts, games and a cake sale where they raised £200 for our charity.
Jessica Boyd, a teacher from Brockhurst Primary school said: “Our service children are really proud to be ‘little troopers’. They wanted to give something back to help other young people who go through similar life experiences. We have started to use the resources from Little Troopers to help support our military children, including ideas for crafts and role play materials. We know that in the future we will continue to use their great resources. Our group of little troopers worked really hard in the run up to the event. They created posters and sweet treats to sell. They love the fact that the money will go towards supporting other little troopers like them.”
Fundraising for our charity
Louise our charity founder said, “Six years ago we launched our first Little Troopers at school resource pack after my own daughter started her 5th school in five years. Six years later we have a whole host of resources for primary and secondary schools. I love seeing the resources being used and the fact that we are inspiring schools to fundraise is truly heart-warming.”
If your school is interested in fundraising for our charity, you can find lots of help and inspiration here.