
Louise's Blog


Are you OK?

This is a difficult time for everyone, it is uncertain and strange at best. I have good days when I make myself distracted and I feel like there will be light at the end of the tunnel in time and then I have days when it is so overwhelming for lots of reasons I cant comprehend it.

Then I stop and I remember all those people who have loved ones deployed right now.

Deployment and separation often send you to your limit and that is when you have your friends close and able to have a routine but add into that not being able to leave your house and having to home school/entertain children of varying ages…..mind blowing.

It is quite possibly going to be the most stressful time in your life and this post is nothing more than to recognise that, to let you know I for one am thinking of you.

The military doesn’t ever stop, people aren’t just sent home to work and quarantine. Deployments have to continue, personnel are put on standby and people who are away can be extended.

I know so very well how isolating separation can be, I know this would consume me and I know I would feel like there was no end to aim for but for all of us there will be, better times WILL come.

If you have neighbours who have someone deployed check they are OK, to all reading this if you have someone away I am really thinking of you and send you so much love and strength and to those away I so hope you keep well and make it home soon enough to your family.

I hope Little Troopers can help in some way, we are putting out activity sheets every week day for you and in April we are launching some lovely positive stuff for month of the military child, I hope you like it and it makes you smile.

We really are all in this together. So much love, Louise xxxxxx

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About Louise

Louise herself served in the British Army and saw active service in Kosovo. Her husband is a serving soldier who has undertaken six operational tours of duty since their daughter was born in 2003. Louise is passionate about helping all the Little Troopers at home through the anxiety of deployment and also the stress of a long course or exercise having experienced first hand the impact it can have.

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