
The Little Troopers Blog


All Together: Little Troopers launches new deployment club

We’re so excited to announce our new project to support military children while their parent is deployed.  Little Troopers “All Together” is a deployment club open to children of all ages, providing free residential breaks, adventure days and online sessions, all made possible by a generous grant from the Veterans’ Foundation.

The project aims to bring together children who have a loved one deployed. It will give them the opportunity to meet with others in a similar situation. They will spend time together and be able to access support during one of the most challenging times of Armed Forces life.

Louise founder of the charity, said: “Each year, thousands of military children have a parent, or in some cases both parents, deployed for months at a time. Many families from the military community were telling us their children and young people were finding deployments hard. That they were struggling with feeling isolated and they felt being with others in a similar situation would be beneficial. As a charity we promise to listen to what’s needed and do our best to meet those needs.”

“This is why we are launching a dedicated project to support these children during this challenging time. “All Together” is the only tri-service initiative open to all military children who have a loved one deployed. Our aim is to reach as many children as possible and to help them feel part of a special community of other little troopers who are going through the same experience. A huge thank you to the Veterans’ Foundation and everyone who plays the Veterans’ Lottery for making this possible.”

The first “All Together” event will be an adventure day for 80 children in June this year. This will be followed by a residential weekend for military teens and a series of online events in autumn 2022. Further events are planned for spring 2023.

Thanks to the grant awarded by the Veterans’ Foundation, Little Troopers will be able to provide support for hundreds of military children experiencing deployment. David Shaw, CEO and Founder of the Veterans’ Foundation, said, “We are delighted to award this grant to Little Troopers. Their work providing breaks, events and support for children whose parents are away on deployment is so important.

“This vital funding would not be possible without our supporters. Their donations and the players of the Veterans’ Lottery, who have helped us to give over £10 million in grants to more than 300 UK-based military charities since 2016 – thank you all.”

Further information on the ‘All Together’ events and activities will be shared soon. If you don’t want to miss anything, sign up to our newsletter here.

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