
The Little Troopers Blog


All Together in the Trees – Booking details

We’re excited to announce the first “All Together” event, an adventure day in the trees. The inaugural event of our All Together deployment club will see 80 children take part in a Go-Ape challenge across the country on 29th July 2022. 

The Go-Ape Treetop Adventure is a high ropes activity with intricate tree-to-tree crossings, wobbly bridges and brilliant zip wires. Little Troopers aged 7- 13 years old will be able to meet up with others like them for a fun adventure. Details of how to apply for places is below.

There will be 10 places available on the 29th July 2022, at the following locations;

  • DalKeith Edinburgh
  • Dalby Forset Yorkshire
  • Thetford Forest Suffolk
  • Forest of Dean
  • Wendover, Chilterns
  • Alice Holt, Surrey
  • Moors Valley, Hampshire
  • Haldon, Devon

How do we apply for an All Together in the trees place?

On the 15th July 2022, we will be opening applications for the places. A special newsletter will be sent to everyone who is signed up to our mailing list. The Go-Ape event will be open to 7-13 year old little troopers, who have parents deployed during the summer holidays. Families that apply will go into a draw and be selected at random. Families will be notified by the 20th July 2022 if they have been successful in securing a place. Please make sure you are signed up to receive our newsletters so you don’t miss out!

Louise, Founder of our charity said: “Thanks to funding from The Veterans’ Foundation and The Henry Sale Foundation, plans for our All -Together deployment club are really coming together. The Go Ape experience will be followed by the first of two residential weekends for military teens in October. We’ll also have a series of online events starting in September 2022 with a Pineapple Dance studio event! 

The deployment club will be open to children of all ages and further events are planned for Spring 2023. 

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